My wife and I just got back from Las Vegas, where we attended the U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Committee of 100. I had the opportunity to listen to the one-and-only, Steve Wozniak.
The man speaks at an amazingly rapid pace, sharing with the crowd of C-level executives candid stories of how he and Steve Jobs founded Apple together. What amazed me the most was the man's remarkable high-level of enthusiasm when describing, in detail, the events that led to the development of the Apple I & II machines. One guest in the audience described his refreshing excitement: "that of a first-grader." Yet a grade-school level of enthusiasm suits him well, seeing that he's so involved in improving elementary education in California.
Hearing "The Woz" speak so passionately about being creative and innovative really ignited a spark inside of me to make the most out of my new engineer role at Atlas. Thanks Steve!